Mortgage loan repurchase

6 tips for saving money

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While the calendar year is split into four quarters, each time of the year is characterized by specific expenses! We are the last day of September, a month marked by the start of the school year and the end of summer vacation. There is a good chance that bank accounts will be red due to expenses related to this period.

Find out without further delay, how to save money?

6 ways to save money!

  1. For anyone who has one or more mortgage loans in the process of repayment, it is now or never to renegotiate the financing conditions . A simple process that allows you to save money on borrowed money without spending anything. It comes down to getting the best rate by buying out mortgage loans . Although administration and guarantee costs are invoiced, they are absorbed by the overall gain made on the transaction. This also includes early repayment indemnities (IRA), and other ancillary costs.
  2. As with renegotiating mortgage loans, you have to think about insurance contracts . Renegotiating your borrower insurance coverage taken out with your bank can allow, depending on the situation, to halve the monthly rate. And this with the same guarantees offered by the lender when subscribing to the initial financing. Also include the review of various insurance contracts (auto, home, etc.). From your home, for information, do not hesitate to perform simulations by visiting sites such as Direct Assurance, Malakoff médéric, Metlife, CARDIF, etc.
  3. Don't forget to carpool, if possible! While the price of diesel aligns with that of gasoline, and the monthly maintenance of a vehicle represents a significant expenditure on the budget, carpooling is a real financial saving (fuel, maintenance, insurance contribution according to the number kilometers traveled, etc.). There are many companies offering this service (Blablacar, iDVROOM, RoulezMalin,, Karzoo, etc.).
  4. When traveling by car, choose eco-driving! Eco-driving comes down to driving economically. Driving that has the merit of saving money. Driving slower will automatically reduce fuel consumption, and taking care to brake gently with each braking increases the life of your brake discs and pads. As many reflexes as savings, so discover without further delay the 10 tips for eco-driving .
  5. Do not hesitate to favor reduced timetables and prices! Why not take advantage of off-peak hours for electricity consumption? An advantageous price eight hours a day which is offered by Edf. A habit that allows budget savings without spending anything thanks to a reduced price per kWh. Find out, depending on your municipality, the off-peak hours with the site of the Enedis electricity distribution network operator.
  6. Make purchases through e-commerce! Online shopping sites generally offer bargain prices. Thanks to an economical online sales model, why spend more? The most popular online shopping sites are Amazon and EBay.

Article published by on , in Argent .

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